

Your message to us

For questions about your trip, claims, complaints and all other required information

You would like to receive fare information or advice, or share your travel experience with us and would like to make suggestions, praise or criticism?
Have you lost something on the train and would like to enquire about the lost property?
There are many reasons to contact us.

Please use our contact form for this purpose.

Our staff, who are there for you around the clock, will answer you quickly and reliably.
After sending the contact form, you will receive a confirmation of receipt by e-mail with a transaction number so that you can refer to the matter in the event of further enquiries.

Select multiple files if you want to attach more than one attachment

In addition, we can of course also be reached by telephone on 08024 997171 for the Chiemgau-Inntal, Berchtesgaden-Ruhpolding and Oberland networks or 0821 47877877 for the Ostallgäu-Lechfeld and Ammersee-Altmühltal networks or by email at